We would like to invite the community to Pool Together, our family fun day on Sunday 29th of June at Newlands Community Centre, corner Elizabeth St and Murray Rd, Coburg North. The fun day will run from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.

Come and celebrate with us! There will be local musicians and comedians, halal sausage sizzle, raffles, cakes and badges for sale, a historical display and lots of activities for the kids.
Entry is a gold coin donation and this will start our fundraising in the spirit of the Civic Fund of the early '60's. Children were known to empty their money boxes into the Civic Fund to help get the pool built. We want to show just how many pool users, past and potential are interested in the pool's future and will have an ideas board on the day.
Hope to see lot's of you on the day!
And just a reminder... has everyone signed our online petition yet? It's up to 216, there's space to leave comments and council do read it.